
We attend to PROTEUS Scientific Comitee

We are in the Scientific Comittee of PROTEUS project, that takes place today October 25th, 2017, in the Port Authority of Valencia. The PROTEUS project partners […]

5th Consortium Meeting of Lincoln project

We have attended on October 18th and 19th, 2017 to the 5th Consortium Meeting of Lincoln Project in Bremen, where results of the first year of […]

NeXOS Project finishes

The recently finished NeXOS project consists of the development of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) including several sensors to give response to the Marine Strategy Framework […]

The European project quietMED kick-off

Partners of the quietMED project met in Brussels on March 7th 2017 to celebrate the first encounter of the project. The meeting was held in the […]

Employment forum of the UPCT

El CTN participa un año más en en este foro con la intención de atraer talento y dar a conocer a los estudiantes las posibilidades y […]

European Maritime Day

Un año más la Región de Murcia se prepara para celebrar el Día Marítimo Europeo. El Día Marítimo Europeo fue establecido conjuntamente por el Consejo Europeo, […]